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Using A Crane: A Lighting Lesson

Morque Crane Shot

I have been working on a pilot pitch reel for a company here in Los Angeles. It’s about a man who has a near death experience and ends up in a morgue. I used a Kessler crane with an ikan monitor to get some of the more dramatic shots of the piece. There was a very deliberate reason that we used the crane. We did not use it because we had it or it seems cool (which it is by the way). Cool or not it’s not a good enough reason to use one. We used it because in an interesting way we were able to redirect the viewer to the things that we thought were the most important in the shot. We used it to create dramatic effect and show how lost in a large world our man was. We used it to create surprise. When used correctly cranes are a very powerful tool. Cranes use to be too expensive for most people but that is no longer the case. They are reasonable to rent and not too expensive to buy. In this video you will gain a few tips on how to use a crane. Keep the cameras rolling!

Jay P. Morgan

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