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Octodomes Ping Pong and Fire at the beach: A Lighting Tutorial

the slanted lens lighting tutorial - ping pong octodomes

We had the opportunity to shoot promotional materials of Cui Baoqun, a national Chinese champion ping-pong player, for a television show called King Pong. He is incredible to watch play and a very nice guy. We shot at a Malibu beach location and applied, to this shoot, some of the information that we learned about Octodomes in our last lesson. We needed both video for the promo reel and some stills for the advertising pieces. The one thing you can be certain about on location is wind, and wind we got! It was terrible at first, and we could not even use the Glidecam. Fortunately, with time, it subsided, and we were ok. I’m glad we had Dynalite packs because they were light and easy to move around. At one point, the tide came in so fast that we almost lost the table and the power packs. It was an interesting day. We shot with wind, water, and sand, and we threw in a little fire at the end of the day. It was the last shot and seemed the appropriate thing to do—light the table on fire. It was a great day.

Keep those cameras rolling and keep on click’n!

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