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How to Use a Blog to Get Sales

how to use a blog to get sales

Join Jay P Morgan and me as we share how to use a blog to get sales. Learn what types of blog posts are going to help your business the most.

If you would like to learn more ways to run a marketable and shareable blog, then you should join our TSL Business Coaching Class starting September 3rd. Learn more at:


Video Transcription

– [JP] So, I really want to start a photo blog for my site. So, what is it I should blog about? Should I blog about my latest job? Should I blog about my favorite croissant, or my favorite restaurant, or the great sushi I had in Austin, Texas, or what should I do on my blog? What should I do to make things interesting on my blog? – [Adelaide] Okay, JP, you will quickly see that those things aren’t going to get people onto your site. Let’s talk about what will.

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– Hi, I’m Adelaide Lawren. – And I’m Jay P. Morgan. – And today’s topic is business blogging in a way that gets people to your website, and gets them to book you for a job. – There’s a great way to blog and there’s also a way to really become effective with your blog. People have great content on their blogs, but we want to help you find content that will convert into sales for you. – Yes. So, right now, a lot of photographers and videographers are using their blogs to post about their latest booking. You know, something they did, the wedding at the Ritz-Carlton, something like that. And I mean, it’s fun. It has pictures, but marketing research has shown that people are actually turned off by that kind of content. Instead, you want to give them content that is really interesting to them, and they want to devour it and stay on your blog and get to calls to actions that ask you to book you for work. And content like your last shoot at the Ritz-Carlton also doesn’t share very well on social media, because it’s, you know, someone’s specific wedding, and it’s not like lots of people are going to share it. But, if you write something that’s more universal, for example, like, the seven hottest wedding poses. – So, you are talking about things that people are going to go, “Oh, I need, I’d like to know that.” Or, “That’s interesting to me.” Or, “I’m thinking about my wedding pictures,” And, “How am I going to pose?” – Because those are the people that you want to attract, right? – Yeah, interactive content, content that’s going to elicit a response from your viewer. – Yeah. And of course, you’re using the beautiful photos that you took at the Ritz-Carlton, but you’re giving the information in a different way, so that they want to, you know, learn more from you. And the more that you engage them, the more that they want to work with you, and share them with their friends, and do all those things that you want so your business grows.

– So, Adelaide and I call this, “content blogging,” which is far different than just posting the things you’ve done. So, if you join us for The Slanted Lens Business Coaching class, September 3rd, we’re going to talk very in depth about content blogging, and how you can become very effective at that process. It will truly help you grow your business, double your sales. – Yeah. Double? – It will truly triple, quadruple. If you’re making a buck, you’re making two. If you’re making two, you’re making four. – It will be amazing. So, in our Business Coaching class, we aren’t only going to set you up with an effective marketing plan, but we’re going to teach you how to blog effectively. We’re going to teach you how to set up a content calendar, how to think up blog topics very easily so you don’t feel stuck. And, we’re going to help you really know who you’re targeting and how to reach them. We’ll get your blog posts out to those people who are in your area, or on your target list, looking for the kind of work that you do, so if you are crazy, don’t sign up for our class. – But if you are even sane, a little bit, you will definitely join us. One little tidbit I will give you is a gentleman I was working with on his business wanted to reach architects, so I had him do biographical pieces of all the architects in his city, as the content for his blog. So, now it became a show of his video work. It also became an example of the different architects in his area, and it also gave him access, an excuse, to work with each of these architects in the area to get their pictures. Now that was my idea for him, and he’s in the midst of that. – That’s awesome. – It’s a content driven approach to the blog, rather than just, I do architectural pictures, or here’s a great building. It’s something that will cause other architects to say, “Hey, I want to see that.” Anyway, those are the kinds of things we are going to talk about in the Business Coaching class. – See you September 3rd. Sign up today.

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