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Meet the Photographer – Scott Jarvie


Recently Jay P sat down with Scott Jarvie for a new series Jay P’s doing here at The Slanted Lens called, “Meet the Photographer”.

Scott lives in the UT area. He essentially fell into photography. Scott’s background was actually in languages, and after college he decided to move to Europe. He bought a 4 mega pixel camera from Walmart before he left. When that camera broke he decided to buy a better one. With a family background of artists Scott realized he was pretty good at taking pictures, and it appealed to him a lot more than a regular 9-5. So he kept with it. He’s been a wedding photographer for 10 years.

In September 2013 Scott set out to visit all 50 states, photographing temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and 3,000 other religious buildings. He liked the Airstream trailer he traveled in so much that he decided to keep and live in it. You can see some of Scott’s work and order his books  “Faith in America: Religious Buildings of the United States,” and “LDS Temples” at his website, Now Scott keeps busy taking pictures for YouTubers and other various projects. He utilizes recurring crowdfunding for artists and creators using the website Patreon.

Three years ago Scott had an idea for a Photography Decathlon. He put it on hold while he was out shooting across the U.S. but now the idea has taken flight. These decathlons are reminiscent of the popular mud runs taking the country by storm, without the freezing cold mud and electric barbed wire.

The Photo Decathlon is a team event for 2-4 people during a two-day span. Everyone’s given the same location, the same amount of time and the same objectives. All levels of photography are welcome. There are some pretty amazing amazing prizes up for grabs, including a grand prize of an all expense paid seven-day vacation for the whole team to a photographer’s dream destination.

As this video goes live there’s been one event so far. This is a great chance to really push yourself. Often people talk or post about photography without actually photographing anything. Don’t fall into that trap. Check out to see and request locations for additional Photography Decathlons and sign-up!

Thanks for watching.

Keep those cameras rollin’ and keep on clickin’.

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