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FUJIFILM X-T4! Hands on Review! INCREDIBLE Hybrid Camera!

Hi, this is Jay P Morgan with Kenneth Merrill and Moriah Garcia and today we are checking out the FUJIFILM X-T4! We also want to give a special shoutout to Samy’s Camera for hooking up us and letting us check out their latest gadgets!

FIRST OFF! What makes this camera different from the T3?

The biggest thing for me is IBIS! IBIS has become standard on so many cameras and they finally implemented it here so they can compete with all of the newer cameras that have come out in the last year or so, and that’s a huge help for both videos and still, so we’ll be testing both those things.

It also has a new switch that allows you to switch from video to stills mode really quickly – which is great for someone like me, when people regularly ask me to shoot video and stills at the same time. It saves your settings for both stills and video mode – so to be able to switch back and forth from stills to video makes it so much easier.

It has improved frame rates which allows you to shoot up to 15 frames per second with a mechanical shutter, which is really cool! This beats out DSLRs!

It has improved autofocus, so you can focus better in low light.

It’s got a much better battery – the T3 suffered a bit because of the battery, it wasn’t quite up to speed, but this battery is much more robust and is going to give you a much longer life when you are shooting video and stills.

It has a new flip-out articulated screen, which is a big upgrade from the T3. I’m actually astounded that so many camera manufacturers don’t have flip out screens on their cameras yet. I think it’s such a great feature to have – if only to just flip the screen inwards so it faces inward and has that extra protection.

The slow motion is amazing with 60 fps in 4k and 240 fps in HD – I love that we’re pushing the boundaries of slow motion in these small cameras.

Same as the T3 it has that 10 bit 4.2.0 Internal, 4.2.2 External Codec.

Let’s get to shooting!




First thing I want to mention is I did increase the exposure on these images by 1/3 to 2/3s of a stop. The camera just seems a little bit dark compared to how it’s rates.

But a very pretty image overall. Very neutral – the color is not as warm as we see a lot of the times in this situation. The colors don’t really pop, but they seem true to life and nice. I do like the tonality on her face, the contrast curve is really nice.

Let’s look at the lens for a second because this is a newer version of the 16-55mm. This is a great lens – I really liked it while we were shooting. Great build quality, feels super light on the hand and it’s sharp!

And that’s one of the really impressive things about this line of FUJI lenses; it’s really a full line of lenses for these cameras. And none of it is too expensive either, all really reasonably priced.



We’re going to push the sensor up to +4 stops and back to -4 stops just to see if we can recover that and see how the sensor handles it.

We realized once we got back that the meter had 2 stops of ND in it, so we basically over exposed out images by 2 stops.


0 EV

So here at proper exposure, I actually raised the exposure on this because it was a bit dark. And this is 0EV compensation for a miscalculation. I kinda like the fact that it automatically underexposes a bit because you keep more of the sky and you are keeping more dynamic range because these sensors are so sensitive.


+1 EV

Again, you’re not losing anything yet and we’re at +1!


+2 EV

The brick is already starting to disappear and her skin is turning a little yellow.


+3 EV

Skin clips, brick is gone.


+4 EV

This one is just a waste of time.

-1 EV

What you’re going to see here is a little noise, because we are pushing those shadows – and you do start to see it under her chin, where as if you compare to the +1, you’re not seeing it under her chin.


-2 EV

This is the darkest exposure we have. I don’t feel like this camera handles underexposure too well, because it’s already kinda a darker image.




400 ISO

It looks really nice – we’re not really seeing any noise here.


800 ISO

Look at the bridge of her nose, how it transitions from the skintone into the shadows.


1600 ISO

It’s getting kinda gritty. Again it’s a crop sensor camera, so you’re not going to see the same cleanliness you’ll see with the full frame cameras we test. But at the same time these results aren’t blowing me away.


3200 ISO

It’s pretty grainy and you’re losing a lot of detail.


6400 ISO

12800 ISO

These last two are so grainy BUT these color shift the least of probably any of the cameras we’ve worked with.



This really challenges camera because as a person walks towards them they’ve got to follow them and stick with them as they come forward.

This camera has better and improved autofocus capabilities over the X-T3. There haven’t been many cameras over the last few years that have bummed us out in the autofocus world and this one doesn’t either.

We did it a couple times with her walking towards the camera and with most of them it only missed a couple shots, which is par for the course. And a lot of these that are not critical focus are still pretty usable, just depending on what you can tolerate.


This camera shoots 15 fps with a mechanical shutter, which is awesome! So we’re going to test that out by having Moriah jump in the air and we’ll capture a bunch of frames of that and we’ll show you how it breaks apart.

It’s really impressive in just a few seconds you have a bunch of RAW images from such a little camera. It’s not that bad – you can do 3 seconds or so, getting you 45-50 images in 3 seconds.



Here we’re going to do our image stabilization test for stills. So typically the rule is, whatever focal length you are shooting at, you don’t want to go slower on the shutter speed than that focal length.

We’re going to go 60 and then gradually slow the shutter down to 1/30 sec and 1/15 sec and see how slow we can go until the images become too blurry.

The image with the stabilization is actually pretty okay.

Going to the video – I was swaying a little bit at the beginning and tried to lock it off it almost looks like I’m a tripod. Super stable and that’s on an 85 mm equivalent.

I was really impressed with the stabilization and was even more when I did some tracking following her with the 35mm zoom. It is really steady. You do see those bigger movements, a couple footsteps.

It seemed about as good as a Panasonic stabilization, which is something!


I’m seeing a bit of moret in her hair on the 240 fps. The 120 fps is really nice, it’s definitely cleaner than the 240, but the 240 is so slow!

60 fps at 4k would be amazing and 120 fps looks really nice.



Standard picture profile we use for everything else and then Eterna, which has been on all the FUJI cameras for a long time, and then the new Bleach Bypass which is just so intense!

The blacks go way out and we’re losing so much detail. In this situation I’m not so sure it would be a choice. I don’t know when I ever would use a bleach bypass – I feel like all of these can be achieved in post.



What I love about FUJI cameras is that before you even turn the camera on you can set your aperture, shutter, your ISO, it’s all these really tactile, lockable dials to be able to lock those settings in place. It just makes it so much like an old school camera that’s accessible, easy to use and set up. And the flip out camera makes the ergonomics even more improved.


I think the IBIS in this is really incredible – if you’re going to use this on a gimbal, as a b-roll kind of camera it really steps it up to that mode and really makes this camera worthwhile!

If I was to sub this camera up, it would be looking at the T3 which was a well respected camera, and this now takes it and finishes it. This really is a finished camera where you get better battery, great IBIS, easy switching from stills to video, that articulating screen, it just fills in the blanks! And I think for that FUJI should be commended because they’ve taken a step forward in a major way.

As far as crop sensor cameras go I think it’s a top contender! It’s got so many great features. For hybrid shoots, it’s an excellent choice!

So there’s your in depth look at the FUJI X-T4. A great offering from FUJI!
Check out all of this equipment through our Samy’s links below.


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Keep those cameras rolling and keep on clickin!





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