We are discussing light and the different ways we can use light to convey emotion, today on The Slanted Lens. The Purpose Behind Creating Art Why do we take photos? Why do we shoot video? What is our purpose when we create imagery? True artists want to create an emotional experience with the viewer. In […]
Shirt Color Change Using Photoshop
Today on The Slanted Lens, we are going to teach you how to change the color of a shirt! This lesson is going to be the first of a new segment here at The Slanted Lens. Julene Morgan, an experienced re-toucher here in Los Angeles, is going to be showing us retouching techniques. While changing […]
Sound Solution for the Alexa Mini
Check out the Beacktek preamp for the ARRI Alexa Mini and other similar cine cameras, here. Today on The Slanted Lens Jay P. and Lars are interviewing Wendell and Jane, restaurant owners down in Bombay Beach, CA. We are using the Alexa Mini to shoot the interview, and in order to resolve the Alexa’s sound issues, we are […]
High Speed Photography – How to Shoot a Light Bulb. Literally.
Hi this is Jay P Morgan and today on The Slanted Lens we’re going to do some high speed photography using a new trigger called Miops Smart. We’re going to shoot a light bulb. Literally. We’re going to shoot a BB through a light bulb. Setup We’ve got a BB gun on two c stands. […]
Make Your Own Reflector DIY Tutorial
Reflectors are a great entry point into the world of lighting so today on The Slanted Lens, I am going to show you how to make one of your own. Let’s get started! Bead foam reflectors have been used on photography and movie sets for years because they are cheap to make, easy to use […]
6 Tips for Setting Up a Home or Office Studio
Today on The Slanted Lens we are going to talk about 6 tips for setting up a home or office studio.
Making a Shoulder Rig: DIY Equipment
In these segments we will be teaching you how to make affordable equipment. We are starting with a Shoulder Rig.