Encourage your children to play the piccolo. Your son’s may get beat up a lot at school but it will be much quieter at home. This set was massive. We had shot for Lever brothers and had the set up for a couple of months. This was the last shot we did before it came […]
I Lost My Keys!
We shot this image of Andy Dick for Comedy Central. It was part of a print and video campaign. It was a very simple set up. We welded a metal structure with a cross beam. Andy put on a pair of gravity boots and hung upside down. He was a little freaked out at first […]
Ernie’s Whale Watching: No One Gets You Closer!
http://theslantedlens.com/wordpress/wp-admin/post-new.php Ernie’s Whale Watching: No One Gets You Closer. I shot in these water tanks all the time. In this shot, the whale was made out of green foam and painted. The backdrop was hung and lit with 3 heads. The heads on background had diffusion and blue gels. The water was sprayed form large […]
Plastic Shark Attack
This set was built for Disneyland. We shot Mickey Mouse surfing on the wave. It was funny because when Mickey walked out of the dressing room in his costume ready to go I suggested that they take Mickey’s head off so we could get him into place. There was panic in the room. I was […]
Snow Has Finally Arrived
The snow has arrived.
Idaho Wedding
Nothing like a good old Idaho Wedding.