Support The Slanted Lens by shopping our affiliate link with Samy’s Camera. This Rosco LitePad Vector is a powerful LED light. It is color balanced and has a frosted lens on the front of the LED so you get a nice, soft light, with 1700 Lux. You can use the LitePad Vector without a diffusor because of the […]
Photographing Lincoln – The Slanted Lens
Shop with our new affiliate program from Samy’s Camera to help keep these lessons from The Slanted Lens coming. Hi this is Jay P. Morgan. Today I’m going to take you through the process of photographing Lincoln at Gettysburg. Yesterday we came up here to Little Round Top. We settled Lincoln here on the corner. […]
MIOPS Smart Trigger Product Review
Hi this is Jay P Morgan. Today on The Slanted Lens we’re going to review the new MIOPS Smart Trigger. We used this trigger for our high-speed photography lesson, “How To Shoot a Light Bulb”. The MIOPS Smart has 11 different modes. Six of those are native; you use them from your camera. […]
Balancing Strobes With Direct Sun – The Slanted Lens
Download “How to Estimate a Shoot” today, it’ll help you make more money. Hi this is Jay P Morgan. Today on The Slanted Lens I’m going to teach you how to shoot in full sun with strobes, using Dynalite’s new Baja B6. We’re out at the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Camarillo, California, […]
Learning How to Feather Soft Boxes
Today on the Slanted Lens we are going to look at how to gain more control of your light and more specifically, your soft box, by using a technique called feathering.
Using Grid Spots: A Lighting Tutorial
In this lighting tutorial, we will be looking at the area of coverage of the different grid spots and how to pan grids in order to flag the light.
Using A Crane: A Lighting Lesson
I have been working on a pilot pitch reel for a company here in Los Angeles. It’s about a man who has a near death experience and ends up in a morgue. I used a Kessler crane with an ikan monitor to get some of the more dramatic shots of the piece.
An All Night Binge with Darren McMullen: A Lighting Lesson
I was approached by Darren McMullen of MTV fame to shoot images for his new web site. He wanted a shot of him waking up the day after a drunken binge in a hotel room not knowing what had happened.
Camera set ups & lighting for a Golf Video short: A lighting Lesson.
In this BTS video I break down the different angles and camera moves that create the ending of the Golf Video short called “3 extra hours of Golf”.
A Simple 3 Hard Light Setup: A Lighting Lesson
In this lesson we will look at lights that don’t have any soft boxes or light modifiers. I used heads with reflectors only.